One of the reasons we celebrate Thanksgiving is to show gratitude for the blessings and providence we have been fortunate enough to receive--not just personally, but as a family, community, and nation. We live in a land of opportunity and plenty. What it must have been like for the Pilgrims to finally reach shores where they could worship freely and own land to shelter, feed, and profit their families. Last week I had the wonderful experience of visiting Plymouth, Massachusetts and seeing the actual rock and location that our forefathers and
foremothers landed near in the winter of 1620.

Over half of the 109 passengers on the Mayflower died that winter from starvation and disease. But none who survived chose to return to England or Holland. Opportunity and promise lied ahead in this new land and they set off to build their dreams. But they would not have survived and flourished if they had not been helped by the Indians that were native to the area....the Wampanoag.
Today we made an Wampanoag Indian toy. We used a towel, string and a pipe cleaner that was formed into the shape of a circle. The Indians would have used a stick or thin leg bone, a leather cording, and a widdled circle from wood. They were fashioned just like the ones we made in class today. They kids were so excited to play and it was a constant source of entertainment.
We made a booklet about some of the things that we are thankful...like family, food, our five senses, our homes, friends, our bodies, and the beautiful earth.

I gave each of the kids a little rock to remind them that 1620 was a very important year in the formation of our country. It was the rock or foundation we recognize our liberties and hope for the future started. We give thanks for many things this season...and there truly are so many things to be thankful for. Amongst the things that come to my mind and heart this Thanksgiving are: Abby, Alayna, Ben, Blina, Cody, Cooper, Ethan, Lilly, Sini, Trevor, Trianna, and Zachary.
I look forward to seeing our modern-day Pilgrims at our Preschool Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday. Parents please wear dark clothes, as you will be our "Pilgrims" and invited guests. Our Little Indians will be presiding at this feast in full head-dress and vests. Class starts at 9am and the feast starts at 10:45am. Hope you can come.