Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"B"usy Week...

B. Ba. Ba-Ba-Ba. Button. Bumblebee. Blue. Baby. Ball.................B.
We are on to the second letter of the alphabet....B. For our alphabet books, we had a great time gluing buttons to our letter B. There were so many different sizes and colors. Some the children were a little concerned that some of the buttons weren't big or laid flat. It's amazing what causes them to have issues. But the B's looked great when they were done with them. I didn't get a chance to get some pictures of the cutest little B project we did...but we made Bumblebees from a yellow Easter egg. We filled them with a little bit of hard split peas and then used electrical tape to seal the egg as well as create the much-needed 2-tone black on yellow look. The antennae were made by having the kids fold half of a black pipe cleaner (chenille stem) and rolling down the tops in a curling fashion. It was then adhered with the electrical tape. The rattling from the peas inside the plastic egg created a "buzzing"-sort of noise. The kids were really impressed with their creations. [I have to say--that was probably one of the easist crafts I've done in awhile that has caused so much excitement and joy on their faces.]

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