Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Puffy Snow

January...the month of snow and dark skies. Coming back to preschool after Christmas break was very exciting. We got lots of snow this winter so far and that was our theme the first week back...SNOW.
The preschoolers assembled snowmen by gluing circles on top of each other. There was a lot of embellishment with markers before we got to the really cool part...painting with "snow".
Snow Recipe: Equal portions of Elmer's glue and shaving cream, mixed thoroughly together till it looks like really thick Cool Whip. Then it's ready to paint with. I have the kids use Popsicle sticks as their median to move the snow around the paper. It has to dry overnight and it's a wonderful surprise!! It's 3-dimensional. It's like pushing onto sponge that doesn't come off the paper. The kids LOVE the results and they have so much fun feeling their finished artwork.

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